Readers Workout

I missed joining in last week.  It started gangbusters and then my old yoga injury flared up,  locking my leg into a straight position so…..hardly any walking.  I also had to get a temporary crown on a broken tooth.  Once the numbness wore off the injection sites were a dull pain in my mouth. Wah-wah…….this is me indulging in a little pity party.


The good news is I manged to have a great week of walking prior to the revisitation of the leg injury.  I am doing the stretching exercises and slowly I will be back to my old self, walking fast and long distances.

According to my FitBit stats I walked 45 miles and 111,621 steps between January 30 – February 5. My steps are greatly diminished after that.

The menu:

Baked Cod with avocado, cherry tomato salsa

Chinese Takeaway

Shakshuka  (with fresh eggs from a local farm!)

Tortellini with Spinach (Click on link for recipe)



How was your week?

Check out Readers’ Workout at Joy’s Book Blog!


6 thoughts on “Readers Workout

  1. Sorry your leg was hurting. I fell on my left knee years and the leg won’t straighten or bend all the way since then. Funny thing is, it’s not the knee that hurts from time to time, it’s the back of the knee, what I call the kneepit.


  2. An injury flare up and any kind of dental work in the same week is just not fair! My problem joint is my ankle. I managed to do a fantastic job breaking it years ago and now can’t point that toe but thankfully it doesn’t affect walking. Hope you’re feeling better!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Katherine. I am doing better and I know it won’t be the last time I pull this muscle, or whatever happens to my leg. But with the rest and exercises I was told to do it’s better. I agree…dental work and a sore leg isn’t fair!


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