Lemon Dijon roasted chicken and balsamic onions

Anyone who has been reading my scribbling, or knows me personally, will be familiar with my love of a roasted chicken dinner. There are so many ways to prepare a chicken for roasting, so many flavor combinations. Recently I thought of an old favorite which had not been served in a long time. It’s the Dijon lemon chicken with balsamic onions. How could I have forgotten that one?

Start with three lemons, a bit of dried tarragon, a few onions and a chicken. Place 2 tablespoons of tarragon inside the chicken cavity. Slice the lemons in half and place one half inside the chicken.

Peel a couple of onions and slice in half. Place those around the chicken. To start you’ll have the chicken breast side down.

In a small saucepan you’ll place a half stick of unsalted butter, 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard and the juice form the remaining lemons. Once this is all melted and flavors mingled, brush the chicken and the onions with a good portion of the mixture. Now roast for 30 minutes at 400 F.

Has 30 minutes passes? Good – Remove the roasting pan and turn the chicken breast side up. Brush the chicken and onions with lemony mixture again. At this point you’ll tip some good balsamic vinegar over the onion halves. About 2 tablespoons should do it. More if you like the taste of it.

Put the chicken back in the oven, turn the temperature down to 375 F, roast for another 30 minutes. You’ll have to gauge how much time it needs based on the weight of the chicken and how your oven works.

This has a great taste combination with the balsamic caramelized onions and lemon Dijon flavorings roasted into the meat. Be careful not to break the onions apart when you are removing them from the pan. The center of the onion is a treat, the frosting on the cake.

I am very open to any roasted chicken or vegetable recipes anyone wants to share with me. Comfort food at it’s best.

Hooking up with Beth Fish Reads for her Weekend Cooking Series.

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog’s home page. For more information, see the welcome post.

20 thoughts on “Lemon Dijon roasted chicken and balsamic onions

  1. oh I love a simple roasted chicken! What a great idea to add the balsamic onions. Yum. My mom always roasts her chickens like you do (breast down first) — I’m lazy, so I just put in breast up and forget about it.


    • It’s definitely easier to just pop the bird in without having to flip it! But the breast meat is so tender when you roast it for a bit breast side down ☺️


  2. Hi Tina,

    This sounds just like our kind of meal, although I would also adapt the recipe a little, to work with chicken breasts, as neither of us are huge fans of a whole roast chicken.

    Chicken and fish are our staple diets as a rule, although minced beef for cottage pie or chilli con carne happens once in a while.

    Thanks for stopping by Fiction Books this week. I love meeting new people, so your visits will always be welcome and your comments always appreciated 🙂



  3. I never heard about flipping the bird over partway though! This sounds delicious and I will be trying it soon. (Sadly, minus the mashed potatoes on the side, but I might do the mashed cauliflower substitute thing!)


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