A Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes…and other bookish thoughts

barnesjulian_senseofanendingI recently finished A Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes.  When I realized a movie was in the works for this book I decided to stop procrastinating and get started.  Every once in awhile I like to do a comparison of the book vs film.

Have you read this one?  If so you’ll know the ending and that would just about ruin the movie for me, knowing what was coming.  It’s not a dynamic book in regard to action or mystery but it’s a well written study of an ordinary man’s life and memories.   More importantly, how our memories change with age.

Tony remembered a letter he had written to a friend, it’s tone and language benign and casual. When that original letter is given to him some 40 years later he’s shocked by the vitriolic tome and his thoughts.  That letter changed many things along the way but it’s only revealed how all that worked out near the end.

This mess on the table here is my latest haul from the library. I just started The Alice Network.  It’s a page turner so far.  Himself by Jess Kidd is next, unless my Peter Robinson book is released then I’m jumping on it.


The weather has been poor with rain every single day.  To get one of our walks in we went to a local mall and roamed it at a pretty good pace.  This particular mall is dying and almost 90% of the stores are closed.  That makes for good walking inside with nearly zero traffic.  Even teens don’t hang out there.

The only bookstore there is a Barnes and Noble so we walked around in there checking out some new titles.  Doug would like the new Neil DeGrasse Tyson book and I would like the latest Susie Steiner mystery.  The Pumpkin Cookbook was also available but as chance has it, I just grabbed it from the library.

Linking up with Joy’s British Isles Friday  for the Sense of an Ending book.  The author, Julian Patrick Barnes, is an English writer.  He won the Man Booker Prize for this book.


14 thoughts on “A Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes…and other bookish thoughts

    • Vicki, I think you may like The Alice Network. The Susie Steiner book follows a female British police officer, investigative writing. I liked her previous book.


    • I just looked at your post, love the photo of the Wobbly Bridge, and of course the post as well. I ought to put a plaque up here and say George Washington stayed for a night, ha!


  1. The Alice Network is high on my list – especially since you said you thought I’d like it! I’m not sure if A Sense of an Ending is for me. I’m definitely intrigued how events change in our memories over time though. I’ll have to think about it but am glad you liked it. Our weather has actually been decent except for massive rainstorms that show up out of the blue a couple of times a week. We’re pretty lucky in that we live high up on a hill so flooding isn’t really an issue but my Dad’s backyard was flooded earlier this week. It got in his pool and took out a section of the back fence and just made an awful mess. I’ve never been so glad to live on a hill! Hope the weather clears up for you soon so you’re able to get outside but good for you for heading to the mall.

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    • Katherine, I just finished the Alice Network, loved it! Sense of Ending is well written but can be boring. Now that I read it I can tell you to skip it, just read reviews 🙂

      Glad you are on a hill! Rain and flooding can be maddening, we have had to deal with that before. I’ll shoot you an email soon.


  2. We saw The Sense of An Ending. I remember liking the London scenes and I don’t remember a whole lot else. I don’t seem to retain plots that leave much of the story ambiguous.

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