A Liebster Award

I want to thank Angry Grey Cat at Angry Grey Cat Reads for nominating me for the Liebster Award. This was very unexpected and I am appreciative! Thanks to you all for reading my scribblings and sharing a love of reading.

A Liebster Award is an award presented to bloggers, by other bloggers. It is just a nice way to give your fellow blogger a pat on the back, and hopefully increase their site traffic too!

So here are the rules I was given:

1. Each nominee must link back the person who nominated them.
2. Answer the 11 questions which are given to you by the nominator.
3. Nominate 11 other bloggers for this award who have less than 200 followers.
4. Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
5. Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them.

Here are the eleven questions put to me:

1. What series would you most like to see made into a TV show? (I would have said DCI Banks but just discovered it is a TV show in the UK. Yea! I would like to see M.C. Beaton’s series on Agatha Raisin come to the screen)

2. What is your favorite genre to read? (Mystery is my very favorite but I do like apocalyptic literature too)

3. Have you ever thought about writing? (I write quite a bit and have entered a few contests too)

4. Do you read across genres? (When it’s not a mystery I like fantasy such as Game of Thrones)

5. Have you ever found a book that was made into a movie, which you liked the movie more than the book? (So far I have not liked the movies better than any book)

6. Do you ever change your mind about a book? In other words, maybe you really liked a book at one point in your life but when you went to reread you don’t understand why you liked it in the first place. (So far that has not happened. I should try The Shell Seekers again and see if that holds true)

7. Have you been a reader since childhood or is it something you came into later in life? (I have been haunting libraries since I was a wee tot. My first library card was acquired in third grade)

8. Can you truly say that reading any one book was a life changing event or at least made you reexamine your life? (I haven’t read anything that changed my life but I have read books that make me want to pack up and move to the UK)

9. Do you attend any book events, (conventions, author signings, etc.) (I don’t live in an area where that happens often but I would love to go to a convention or book signing)

10. Do you have real life friends who are readers? (Just a few. I wish I could find a book club to interact with like-minded readers)

11. If you are married or have a partner, are they a reader? Is/was that a non-negotiable for you? (My husband and I were avid readers when we first met 30 years ago. We still enjoy reading books or reading via our Kindles. It would be weird to be partnered with someone who had zero interest in reading. But that’s just my opinion)

I nominate:
(As I am meant to send this to folks with a blog of under 200 readers, I found it was difficult in some cases to know how many readers you actually have. Apologies if I sent this to you and it doesn’t apply – but feel free to join in anyway!)

My Novel Opinion
Brona’s Books
The Steadfast Reader
Refracted Light
Bay State Reader’s Advisory
Sophisticated Dorkiness
Giraffe Days
I’d Rather Be At The Beach

My questions to you:

1. What series would you most like to see made into a TV show?

2. What is your favorite genre to read?

3. Have you ever read a book that makes you want to move to the featured locale
(such as England, France, California, etc)?

4. Do you prefer actual books or do you use an eReader such as a Kindle, Nook, etc)

5. Who are some of your favorite authors?

6. Obviously you are a reader; what prompted you to start a blog featuring books and reviews?

7. Do you have a favorite or interesting fictional character whom you would like to have as part of your everyday life? This person could be a co-worker, a neighbor, a romantic interest, etc.

8. What is your favorite book series?

9. Where you you acquire most of your books? (Barnes & Noble. Amazon, Used book store, etc)

10. Have you ever been inspired to make a dish you read about in a novel?

11. Do you belong to a book club?

Ok, that’s doing my part and I hope that anyone I nominated won’t be irritated as people either enjoy or hate chain letter type posts 🙂

6 thoughts on “A Liebster Award

  1. Thank you for the nomination! I’m that person that lets chain letters die, so I’m not a good choice, but I’m pleased that you thought of me! My husband (of 29 years) is a reader, and I think without my even realizing it, that was definitely a criterion for being marriage material! It’s got to be in the genes, because we have three children who are all readers.


    • 29 years, good for you guys! My husband and I have been married fro 30 years now, it’s good to hear about relationships that last a long time these days.
      No worries if you let this thing die – I just thought of you so….


  2. Pingback: Liebster Award! I’d Like to Thank My Nonexistent Cats | Izzy-grabs-life

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