Martha Stewart’s Appetizers – You won’t need any other book to get your party started!

appies How can you go wrong with any Martha Stewart cookbook? I have several of her books at home on my overburdened book shelves. They are usually my go-to books when I need meal planning.

While I have made many of her dishes that go on our regular meal rotation menus I have not tried any of the appetizer recipes. This book is devoted to appies but some are so robust you could make a tapas type meal out of them.

These are mostly easy-to-toss-together party fare that have a big return on flavor. Over 200 recipes broken down by the following categories: pre-dinner bites, substantial small plates, special-occasion finger foods and quick snacks. There is even a section for drinks!

The Martha. Why can’t she run for president?

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* I received this book from Blogging for Books. All opinions, nice and not so nice, are my own 🙂

9 thoughts on “Martha Stewart’s Appetizers – You won’t need any other book to get your party started!

  1. I do love Martha’s books because everything does seem to turn out. My adult kids love finger food and we occasionally make a lot of finger food for a change in pace for Sunday dinner. This looks like a vintage Martha book!


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