Magpie Murders by Anthony Horowitz


This is my first acquaintance with author Anthony Horowitz.  I can say that I will be seeking out more of his work and hope it’s as engaging as this book. How did I miss this guy when he has written so many successful English series such as Foyle’s War?

This murder mystery featuring fictional detective Atticus Pund was appealing on it’s own but wait……there is another story line and mystery about the publishing company for Alan Conway, author of the Atticus Pund books.

The book opens in present time with Susan Ryeland, editor for Conway’s books, telling the story.  She is given the last manuscript from Conway but the last few chapters are missing.  This will change Susan’s life and not for the better I can tell you.

You are immediately immersed into the ninth Atticus Pund book which is set in rural England, the time period is the 1950’s.  It’s such noir writing, reminds you of Agatha Christie with the sleuthing.

After a tragedy (spoiler so I can’t say here) we are back to Susan’s world in modern times visiting London and the rural English countryside.  The characters and motives from both stories are intertwined.  It’s a classic whodunit with some great twists.

I liked the mention of other books and movies throughout this story, some of which I book marked to request form the library.

A few food and drink references:
Champagne, fish and chips, sandwiches, Victoria Sponge cake, grilled sardines, salad and wine. Eggs and toast fingers. English breakfast with two eggs, bacon, sausage, tomato and a fried slice. Homemade quiche and bean salad. Smoked salmon with salad and artisan bread. A bottle of wine, Nacho Cheese flavored tortilla chips and a jar of hot salsa dip. Pub food and ales.

I wanted to make the Victoria Sponge cake but after our vacation, I think I better cut back on high caloric treats.  It’s for the best, really (I’m telling myself this).  So I went for a favorite, this passes for pub grub in my neck of the woods.

A grilled Mahi Mahi sandwich with all the trimmings. Lettuce, tomato, onions, lime on toasted Cuban bread. Served with black beans and rice and ale. Oh. Yeah.


Linking up with Joy’s British Isles Friday, Heather for the November Foodies Read, Girlxoxo for the Monthly Motif Challenge and Deb’s Souper Sunday at Kahakai Kitchen.

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18 thoughts on “Magpie Murders by Anthony Horowitz

    • Claudia, yes I think that’s why he’s never been on my radar as I don’t typically read YA fiction. He has an interesting story about his upbringing, quite an experience.


  1. I didn’t think I’d heard of Anthony Horowitz, until I saw your reference to Foyle’s War and then realised I’d heard him interviewed and he seemed a really nice, very bright, funny, guy. The book sounds tempting. I don’t think you’d get your sandwich in any pub I know Tina – maybe a curled up ham and tomato (the luxury version comes with a dab of mustard). 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • He does indeed sound very bright, his biography was very interesting. Yes, I know I couldn’t get a grilled Mahi sandwich in the pubs in England, maybe fish and chips! But that’s the fare around these parts. Thanks for dropping by!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I really liked this one as well. I would love to see the actual Atticus Pund mysteries.
    I don’t know how he finds time to write. Apparently he screen writes for Midsomer Murders as well as Foyle’s, Poirot and Injustice. He also has a YA series and wrote the newest James Bond.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. How did I not know Horowitz wrote Foyle’s War? While I’ve seen this book around I don’t think I ever really read the blurb because I would have had to buy it! This sounds amazing and I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it!


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