Lost and Found: a quirky Irish movie


Lost and Found is a quirky collection of seven interconnecting stories, most taking place at the train station.  It’s described as:

Seven strangers with very different stories have one thing in common: they are all searching for something. Their seven lives unexpectedly intertwine at a small lost and found office in an Irish train station.

I was hoping for some Irish scenic shots but you don’t get much more than the train station and a pub.  It’s a cute movie running an hour and half, described as a comedy drama.  I don’t remember any harsh language so it’s family friendly.

The first story called “Ticket to Somewhere” was touching.  An elderly man named Eddie wanders about the train station trying to find his ticket, asking strangers for money for a ticket and forgetting where he is.  He tells people he needs to get to Dublin to see his wife and daughter.  This story dovetails with the next and so on.

You have the impression it’s a small enough town that you’d know everyone.  Like Waking Ned Devine, although I thought Ned Devine was funnier.

Here is a trailer.

Sharing with  Joy for British Isles Friday


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